
Why Him? Online

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Why Him?

Of All The Guys His Daughter Could Have Chosen…

BRYAN CRANSTON and JAMES FRANCO fight the ultimate battle of wits and wills in this outrageous, no-holds-barred comedy from filmmaker John Hamburg (I LOVE YOU, MAN, ALONG CAME POLLY, MEET THE PARENTS, ZOOLANDER). Ned (Cranston), an overprotective but loving dad, and his family visit his daughter at college, where he meets his biggest nightmare: her well-meaning but socially awkward Silicon Valley billionaire boyfriend, Laird (Franco). A rivalry develops, and Ned’s panic level goes through the roof when he finds himself lost in this glamorous high-tech world and learns that Laird is about to pop the question.

Special Features
Why Him? Gag Reel
47 Minutes on the Can
Why Gustav?
Barb Fleming: America’s Mom
Lou The Entertainer
Richard Blais: Twisted Chef
Deleted Scenes
Audio Commentary by John Hamburg (Director/Co-Writer), Ian Helfer (Co-Writer) and William Kerr (Editor)

Why Him?

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